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EagerObjectExchangeStrategy - Class in com.db4o.cs.internal.objectexchange
EagerObjectExchangeStrategy(ObjectExchangeConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.db4o.cs.internal.objectexchange.EagerObjectExchangeStrategy
EagerObjectWriter - Class in com.db4o.cs.internal.objectexchange
EagerObjectWriter(ObjectExchangeConfiguration, LocalTransaction) - Constructor for class com.db4o.cs.internal.objectexchange.EagerObjectWriter
elapsed() - Method in class com.db4o.foundation.StopWatch
element() - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableLinkedList
elementCount() - Method in class com.db4o.reflect.ArrayInfo
elementCount(int) - Method in class com.db4o.reflect.ArrayInfo
elementCount(int[]) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.array.MultidimensionalArrayHandler
elements() - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableHashtable
EMBEDDED_CLIENT_USER - Static variable in class com.db4o.internal.Const4
EmbeddedConfiguration - Interface in com.db4o.config
Configuration interface for db4o in embedded use.
EmbeddedConfigurationImpl - Class in com.db4o.internal.config
EmbeddedConfigurationImpl(Configuration) - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.config.EmbeddedConfigurationImpl
EmbeddedConfigurationItem - Interface in com.db4o.config
Implement this interface for configuration items that encapsulate a batch of configuration settings or that need to be applied to EmbeddedObjectContainers after they are opened.
EmbeddedObjectContainer - Interface in com.db4o
Represents a local ObjectContainer attached to a database file.
EmbeddedTransactionLogHandler - Class in com.db4o.internal.transactionlog
EmbeddedTransactionLogHandler(LocalObjectContainer) - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.transactionlog.EmbeddedTransactionLogHandler
EmergencyShutdownReadOnlyException - Exception in com.db4o.ext
A previous IO exception has switched the database file to read-only mode for controlled shutdown.
EmergencyShutdownReadOnlyException() - Constructor for exception com.db4o.ext.EmergencyShutdownReadOnlyException
empty() - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableStack
Empty - Class in com.db4o
Empty() - Constructor for class com.db4o.Empty
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.db4o.events.EventArgs
No arguments.
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.db4o.internal.ObjectInfoCollectionImpl
EMPTY_ITERABLE - Static variable in class com.db4o.foundation.Iterators
EMPTY_ITERATOR - Static variable in class com.db4o.foundation.Iterators
EMTPY - Static variable in class com.db4o.internal.CallbackObjectInfoCollections
enabled - Static variable in class com.db4o.DTrace
enabled() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.diagnostic.DiagnosticProcessor
enableReplication(boolean) - Method in interface com.db4o.config.ObjectClass
enableReplication(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Class
enableTransparentPersistenceSupportFor(InternalObjectContainer, RollbackStrategy) - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.activation.TransparentActivationDepthProvider
enableTransparentPersistenceSupportFor(InternalObjectContainer, RollbackStrategy) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.activation.TransparentActivationDepthProviderImpl
encode(CallbackObjectInfoCollections, int) - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.messages.MCommittedInfo
encode(String) - Method in interface com.db4o.config.encoding.StringEncoding
called when a string is to be encoded to a byte array.
encode(String) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.encoding.LatinStringEncoding
encode(String) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.encoding.UTF8StringEncoding
encodingByte() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.encoding.DelegatingStringIO
encodingByte() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.encoding.LatinStringIO
encodingByte() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.encoding.UnicodeStringIO
encodingByteForEncoding(StringEncoding) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.encoding.BuiltInStringEncoding
encrypt(boolean) - Method in interface com.db4o.config.Configuration
use a custom encrypting IoAdapter instead
encrypt(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
encrypt(ByteArrayBuffer) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.HandlerRegistry
end() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeSingle
END_TOP_LEVEL_CALL - Static variable in class com.db4o.DTrace
endCommit() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.freespace.BlockAwareFreespaceManager
endCommit() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.freespace.BTreeFreespaceManager
endCommit() - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.freespace.FreespaceManager
endCommit() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.freespace.FreespaceManagerIx
endCommit() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.freespace.InMemoryFreespaceManager
endCommit() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.freespace.NullFreespaceManager
endProcessing() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Identifiable
endsWith(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCon
endsWith(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QConObject
endsWith(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QConstraints
endsWith(boolean) - Method in interface com.db4o.query.Constraint
Sets the evaluation mode to string endsWith comparison.
enlist(TransactionParticipant) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.LocalTransaction
ensure(T) - Method in class com.db4o.foundation.Collection4
makes sure the passed object is in the Collection.
ensureCanBeInstantiated() - Method in class com.db4o.reflect.generic.GenericClass
ensureCanBeInstantiated() - Method in class com.db4o.reflect.jdk.JdkClass
ensureCanBeInstantiated() - Method in interface com.db4o.reflect.ReflectClass
Calling this method may change the internal state of the class, even if a usable constructor has been found on earlier invocations.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableArrayList
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ArrayList4
same as java.util.ArrayList but transparently activates the members as required.
ensureFieldList(MarshallingInfo) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.StandardReferenceTypeHandler
ensureFieldList(MarshallingInfo) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.StandardReferenceTypeHandler0
ensureInitialized() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.CommitTimestampSupport
ensureLock(Object) - Static method in class com.db4o.Debug4
ensureSize(int) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.ByteArrayBuffer
Entry - Class in com.db4o.config
Entry() - Constructor for class com.db4o.config.Entry
Entry4 - Interface in com.db4o.foundation
entryCount(Transaction) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.classindex.BTreeClassIndexStrategy
entryCount(Transaction) - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.classindex.ClassIndexStrategy
entryIndex(HashtableIntEntry) - Method in class com.db4o.foundation.HashtableBase
entrySet() - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableHashMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableHashtable
entrySet() - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ArrayMap4
java.util.Map implementation but transparently activates the members as required.
Enum4 - Class in com.db4o.foundation
Enum4(String, int) - Constructor for class com.db4o.foundation.Enum4
enumerate(Iterable4) - Static method in class com.db4o.foundation.Iterators
Generates EnumerateIterator.Tuple items with indexes starting at 0.
EnumerateIterator - Class in com.db4o.foundation
EnumerateIterator(Iterator4) - Constructor for class com.db4o.foundation.EnumerateIterator
EnumerateIterator.Tuple - Class in com.db4o.foundation
environment() - Method in interface com.db4o.config.CommonConfiguration
environment() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.config.CommonConfigurationImpl
environment() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.ObjectContainerBase
Environment - Interface in com.db4o.foundation
EnvironmentConfiguration - Interface in com.db4o.config
Configures the environment (set of services) used by db4o.
environmentContributions() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
Environments - Class in com.db4o.foundation
Environments() - Constructor for class com.db4o.foundation.Environments
eof() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.ByteArrayBuffer
equal() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCon
equal() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QConClass
equal() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QConObject
equal() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QConstraints
equal() - Method in interface com.db4o.query.Constraint
Used in conjunction with Constraint.smaller() or Constraint.greater() to create constraints like "smaller or equal", "greater or equal".
equal(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.qlin.QLinField
equal(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.qlin.QLinNode
equal(Object) - Method in interface com.db4o.qlin.QLin
EQUAL - Static variable in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QE
equals(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.db4o.foundation.Arrays4
equals(BTreePointer, BTreePointer) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreePointer
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.AbstractList4
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableArrayList
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableHashMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableHashSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableHashtable
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableLinkedList
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ActivatableStack
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.ArrayMap4
java.util.Map implementation but transparently activates the members as required.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.DelegatingCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.DelegatingSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.collections.MapEntry4
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.config.ConfigScope
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.ClientTransactionPool.ContainerCount
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.messages.Msg
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.ext.Db4oDatabase
comparison by signature.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.ext.Db4oUUID
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.foundation.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.foundation.TernaryBool
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.activation.FixedUpdateDepth
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeNode
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreePointer
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Abstract
Will raise an exception if argument class doesn't match this class - violates equals() contract in favor of failing fast.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.FieldMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.array.ArrayHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.HandlerVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.StandardReferenceTypeHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.InterfaceTypeHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.marshall.SlotFormat
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.metadata.HierarchyAnalyzer.Diff
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.OpenTypeHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.PrimitiveTypeMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QE
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.SodaQueryComparator.Direction
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.slots.Slot
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.StoredClassImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.StoredFieldImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.TranslatedAspect
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.TreeInt
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.TypeHandlerAspect
equals(Object) - Method in class com.db4o.reflect.generic.GenericClass
equals(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class com.db4o.foundation.Arrays4
erasedFieldType(ObjectContainerBase, ReflectClass) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.Handlers4
error() - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.logging.Logging
error() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.logging.LoggingWrapper
ERROR - Static variable in class com.db4o.cs.internal.messages.Msg
ERROR - Static variable in class com.db4o.ext.Status
ERROR - Static variable in class com.db4o.internal.logging.Logger
ESSENTIAL_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.db4o.internal.Const4
evaluate() - Method in interface com.db4o.foundation.KeySpec.Deferred
evaluate(QConObject, QE) - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.query.processor.InternalCandidate
evaluate(QConObject, QE) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCandidate
evaluate(QConObject, QE) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QPrimitiveCandidate
evaluate(QPending) - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.query.processor.InternalCandidate
evaluate(QPending) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCandidateBase
evaluate(Candidate) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.PredicateEvaluation
evaluate(Candidate) - Method in interface com.db4o.query.Evaluation
Callback method during query execution.
EVALUATE_SELF - Static variable in class com.db4o.DTrace
Evaluation - Interface in com.db4o.query
For implementation of callback evaluations.
evaluationCreate(Transaction, Object) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.Platform4
evaluationEvaluate(Object, Candidate) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.Platform4
evaluationMode() - Method in interface com.db4o.config.QueryConfiguration
evaluationMode() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
evaluationMode() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
evaluationMode(QueryEvaluationMode) - Method in interface com.db4o.config.QueryConfiguration
configures the query processor evaluation mode.
evaluationMode(QueryEvaluationMode) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
evaluationMode(QueryEvaluationMode) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
evaluator() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCon
evaluator() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QENot
evaluators() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QEMulti
Event4<T extends EventArgs> - Interface in com.db4o.events
An event.
Event4Impl<T extends EventArgs> - Class in com.db4o.internal.events
Event4Impl() - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.events.Event4Impl
EventArgs - Class in com.db4o.events
Base class for event arguments.
EventArgs() - Constructor for class com.db4o.events.EventArgs
EventDispatcher - Interface in com.db4o.internal
EventDispatchers - Class in com.db4o.internal
EventDispatchers() - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.EventDispatchers
EventException - Exception in com.db4o.events
db4o-specific exception.

Exception thrown during event dispatching if a client provided event handler throws.

The exception threw by the client can be retrieved by calling EventException#getCause().
EventException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.db4o.events.EventException
EventListener4<T extends EventArgs> - Interface in com.db4o.events
A listener for Event4 events.
EventRegistry - Interface in com.db4o.events
Provides the interface to register event handlers for ObjectContainer events.
EventRegistry methods represent events available.
EventRegistryFactory - Class in com.db4o.events
Provides an interface for getting an EventRegistry from an ObjectContainer.
EventRegistryFactory() - Constructor for class com.db4o.events.EventRegistryFactory
EventRegistryImpl - Class in com.db4o.internal.events
EventRegistryImpl() - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.events.EventRegistryImpl
EventRegistryImpl.CommittedEvent - Class in com.db4o.internal.events
evictedFromCache(BTreeNode) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTree
exc() - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.ShutdownMode.FatalMode
exceedsMaximumArrayEntries(int, boolean) - Static method in class com.db4o.Debug4
exceedsMaximumBlockSize(int) - Static method in class com.db4o.Debug4
except() - Method in annotation type decaf.Ignore
exception() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.threading.UncaughtExceptionEventArgs
exceptionalClasses() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
exceptionCaughtInForward(String, Object[], Throwable) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.logging.LoggingWrapper
Exceptions4 - Class in com.db4o.internal
Exceptions4() - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.Exceptions4
exceptionsOnNotStorable() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
exceptionsOnNotStorable(boolean) - Method in interface com.db4o.config.CommonConfiguration
configures whether Exceptions are to be thrown, if objects can not be stored.
exceptionsOnNotStorable(boolean) - Method in interface com.db4o.config.Configuration
configures whether Exceptions are to be thrown, if objects can not be stored.
exceptionsOnNotStorable(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.config.CommonConfigurationImpl
exceptionsOnNotStorable(boolean) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.Config4Impl
excludeNull() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.FieldIndexKeyHandler
excludeNull() - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.CanExcludeNullInQueries
excludeNull() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.handlers.PrimitiveHandler
execute() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
execute() - Method in interface com.db4o.query.Query
Executes the Query.
execute(BTreeRangeSingle) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeOperation
execute(BTreeRangeSingle) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeSingleIntersect
execute(BTreeRangeSingle) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeSingleUnion
execute(BTreeRangeSingle) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeUnionIntersect
execute(BTreeRangeSingle) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeUnionUnion
execute(BTreeRangeUnion) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeOperation
execute(BTreeRangeUnion) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeSingleIntersect
execute(BTreeRangeUnion) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeSingleUnion
execute(BTreeRangeUnion) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeUnionIntersect
execute(BTreeRangeUnion) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.algebra.BTreeRangeUnionUnion
execute(Query, Predicate<T>, QueryComparator<T>) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.NativeQueryHandler
executeLazy() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
executeLazy(Collection4) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCandidates
executeLocal(IdListQueryResult) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
executeQuery() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
executeQuery(QQuery) - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.ClientObjectContainer
executeQuery(QQuery) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.LocalObjectContainer
executeQuery(QQuery) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.ObjectContainerBase
executeSnapshot() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QQueryBase
executeSnapshot(Collection4) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.processor.QCandidates
exists(String) - Static method in class com.db4o.foundation.io.File4
exists(String) - Method in class com.db4o.io.FileStorage
returns true if the specified file system path already exists.
exists(String) - Method in class com.db4o.io.MemoryStorage
returns true if a MemoryBin with the given URI name already exists in this Storage.
exists(String) - Method in class com.db4o.io.PagingMemoryStorage
returns true if a MemoryBin with the given URI name already exists in this Storage.
exists(String) - Method in interface com.db4o.io.Storage
returns true if a Bin (file or memory) exists with the passed name.
exists(String) - Method in class com.db4o.io.StorageDecorator
expect(boolean) - Static method in class com.db4o.Debug4
expectedResponse(Msg) - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.ClientObjectContainer
ext() - Method in class com.db4o.cs.internal.ObjectServerImpl
ext() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.ExternalObjectContainer
ext() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.ObjectContainerSession
ext() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.query.ObjectSetFacade
ext() - Method in interface com.db4o.ObjectContainer
Returns an ObjectContainer with extended functionality.
ext() - Method in interface com.db4o.ObjectServer
Returns an ExtObjectServer with extended functionality.
ext() - Method in interface com.db4o.ObjectSet
Returns an ObjectSet with extended functionality.
ExtClient - Interface in com.db4o.ext
extended client functionality for the ExtObjectContainer interface.
extendConfiguration(Config4Impl) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.JDK
extendConfiguration(ReflectClass, Configuration, Config4Class) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.JDK
extendConfiguration(ReflectClass, Configuration, Config4Class) - Static method in class com.db4o.internal.Platform4
Should create additional configuration, for example through reflection on annotations.
extendToFirst() - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRange
extendToFirst() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeSingle
extendToFirst() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeUnion
extendToLast() - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRange
extendToLast() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeSingle
extendToLast() - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeUnion
extendToLastOf(BTreeRange) - Method in interface com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRange
extendToLastOf(BTreeRange) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeSingle
extendToLastOf(BTreeRange) - Method in class com.db4o.internal.btree.BTreeRangeUnion
extentType() - Method in class com.db4o.query.Predicate
public for implementation reasons, please ignore.
ExternalObjectContainer - Class in com.db4o.internal
ExternalObjectContainer(Configuration) - Constructor for class com.db4o.internal.ExternalObjectContainer
ExtObjectContainer - Interface in com.db4o.ext
extended functionality for the ObjectContainer interface.
ExtObjectServer - Interface in com.db4o.ext
extended functionality for the ObjectServer interface.
ExtObjectSet - Interface in com.db4o.ext
extended functionality for the ObjectSet interface.
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