
TimeoutServerSocket(int) Method


configures the timeout of the serverside socket.


void TimeoutServerSocket(int milliseconds)


configures the timeout of the serverside socket.

The serverside handler waits for messages to arrive from the client. If no more messages arrive for the duration configured in this setting, the client will be disconnected.
Clients send PING messages to the server at an interval of Math.min(timeoutClientSocket(), timeoutServerSocket()) / 2 and the server will respond to keep connections alive.
Decrease this setting if you want clients to disconnect faster.
Increase this setting if you have a large number of clients and long running queries and you are getting disconnected clients that you would like to wait even longer for a response from the server.
Default value: 600000ms (10 minutes)

It is recommended to use the same values for Db4objects.Db4o.Config.IClientServerConfiguration.TimeoutClientSocket(System.Int32) and Db4objects.Db4o.Config.IClientServerConfiguration.TimeoutServerSocket(System.Int32) .
This setting can be used on both client and server.


Name Type Description
milliseconds int time in milliseconds

Return Value

Type Description