Collection4 Class


Fast linked list for all usecases.
Base Types
  • Object
graph BT Type-->Base0["Object"] Type-.->Interface0["ISequence4"] click Interface0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Foundation/ISequence4" Type-.->Interface1["IEnumerable"] Type-.->Interface2["IDeepClone"] click Interface2 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Foundation/IDeepClone" Type-.->Interface3["IUnversioned"] click Interface3 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Types/IUnversioned" Type["Collection4"] class Type type-node


public class Collection4 : ISequence4, IEnumerable, IDeepClone, IUnversioned


Fast linked list for all usecases.



Name Value Summary
Add(Object) bool
Adds an element to the end of this collection.
AddAll(IEnumerable) void
AddAll(IEnumerator) void
AddAll(Object[]) void
Clear() void
Contains(Object) bool
ContainsAll(IEnumerable) bool
ContainsAll(IEnumerator) bool
ContainsByIdentity(Object) bool
tests if the object is in the Collection.
DeepClone(Object) Object
Ensure(Object) Object
makes sure the passed object is in the Collection.
Get(int) Object
Get(Object) Object
returns the first object found in the Collections that equals() the passed object
GetEnumerator() IEnumerator
Iterates through the collection in reversed insertion order which happens to be the fastest.
IndexOf(Object) int
IsEmpty() bool
Prepend(Object) void
Remove(Object) bool
removes an object from the Collection equals() comparison returns the removed object or null, if none found
RemoveAll(IEnumerable) void
Removes all the elements from this collection that are returned by iterable.
RemoveAll(IEnumerator) void
Removes all the elements from this collection that are returned by iterator.
Replace(Object, Object) void
ReplaceByIdentity(Object, Object) void
SingleElement() Object
Size() int
ToArray() Object[]
ToArray(Object[]) Object[]
This is a non reflection implementation for more speed.
ToString() string