BlockAwareBin Class

Base Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["BinDecorator"] click Base0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.IO/BinDecorator" Base0-->Base1["Object"] Type-.->Interface0["IBin"] click Interface0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.IO/IBin" Type["BlockAwareBin"] class Type type-node


public class BlockAwareBin : BinDecorator, IBin


Name Summary


Name Constant Value Summary
Inherited from BinDecorator


Name Value Summary
BlockCopy(int, int, int, int, int) void
copies a block within a file in block mode
BlockRead(int, byte[], int) int
implement to read a buffer at the seeked address
BlockRead(int, byte[]) int
reads a buffer at the seeked address
BlockRead(int, int, byte[], int) int
implement to read a buffer at the seeked address
BlockRead(int, int, byte[]) int
reads a buffer at the seeked address
BlockSize() int
returns the block size currently used
BlockSize(int) void
outside call to set the block size of this adapter
BlockWrite(int, byte[], int) void
implement to read a buffer at the seeked address
BlockWrite(int, byte[]) void
reads a buffer at the seeked address
BlockWrite(int, int, byte[], int) void
implement to read a buffer at the seeked address
BlockWrite(int, int, byte[]) void
reads a buffer at the seeked address
Close() void
closes the BinDecorator and the underlying Db4objects.Db4o.IO.IBin .
Inherited from BinDecorator
Copy(long, long, int) void
copies a block within a file in absolute mode
Length() long
Inherited from BinDecorator
Read(long, byte[], int) int
Inherited from BinDecorator
Read(long, byte[]) int
reads a buffer at the seeked address
RegularAddress(int, int) long
converts address and address offset to an absolute address
Sync() void
Sync(IRunnable) void
SyncRead(long, byte[], int) int
Inherited from BinDecorator
Write(long, byte[], int) void
Inherited from BinDecorator
Write(long, byte[]) void
writes a buffer to the seeked address