BTreeNode Class


We work with BTreeNode in two states: - deactivated: never read, no valid members, ID correct or 0 if new - write: real representation of keys, values and children in arrays The write state can be detected with canWrite().
graph BT Type-->Base0["LocalPersistentBase"] click Base0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/LocalPersistentBase" Base0-->Base1["PersistentBase"] click Base1 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/PersistentBase" Base1-->Base2["Identifiable"] click Base2 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/Identifiable" Base2-->Base3["Object"] Type-.->Interface0["IPersistent"] click Interface0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/IPersistent" Type-.->Interface1["ILinkLengthAware"] click Interface1 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/ILinkLengthAware" Type["BTreeNode"] class Type type-node


public sealed class BTreeNode : LocalPersistentBase, IPersistent, ILinkLengthAware


We work with BTreeNode in two states: - deactivated: never read, no valid members, ID correct or 0 if new - write: real representation of keys, values and children in arrays The write state can be detected with canWrite(). States can be changed as needed with prepareRead() and prepareWrite().



Name Constant Value Summary
Inherited from Identifiable
Inherited from Identifiable


Name Value Summary
Add(Transaction, IPreparedComparison, Object) BTreeNode
BeginProcessing() bool
Inherited from Identifiable
Btree() BTree
CanWrite() bool
Commit(Transaction) void
Count() int
DebugLoadFully(Transaction) void
DefragIndex(DefragmentContextImpl, IIndexable4) void
EndProcessing() void
Inherited from Identifiable
Equals(Object) bool
FirstKeyIndex(Transaction) int
Free(LocalTransaction) void
GetHashCode() int
GetID() int
Inherited from Identifiable
GetIdentifier() byte
IdSystem(Transaction) ITransactionalIdSystem
IndexIsValid(Transaction, int) bool
IsActive() bool
Inherited from Identifiable
IsDirty() bool
Inherited from Identifiable
IsLeaf() bool
IsNew() bool
Inherited from Identifiable
Key(Transaction, int) Object
LastKeyIndex(Transaction) int
LastPointer(Transaction) BTreePointer
LinkLength() int
Inherited from PersistentBase
NewWriteBuffer(int) ByteArrayBuffer
Inherited from PersistentBase
NextNode() BTreeNode
OwnLength() int
PreviousNode() BTreeNode
ProduceReadBuffer(Transaction) ByteArrayBuffer
Inherited from PersistentBase
ProduceWriteBuffer(Transaction, int) ByteArrayBuffer
Inherited from PersistentBase
Purge() void
Read(Transaction, ByteArrayBuffer) void
Inherited from PersistentBase
Read(Transaction) void
Inherited from PersistentBase
ReadBufferById(Transaction) ByteArrayBuffer
Inherited from LocalPersistentBase
ReadThis(Transaction, ByteArrayBuffer) void
Remove(Transaction, int) void
Remove(Transaction, IPreparedComparison, Object, int) void
Remove(Transaction, Object, int) bool
SetID(int) void
Inherited from Identifiable
SetStateClean() void
Inherited from Identifiable
SetStateDeactivated() void
Inherited from Identifiable
SetStateDirty() void
Inherited from Identifiable
Size(Transaction) int
SlotChangeFactory() SlotChangeFactory
ToReadMode() void
ToString() string
TraverseKeys(Transaction, IVisitor4) void
Write(Transaction) void
Inherited from PersistentBase
WriteObjectBegin() bool
WriteOwnID(Transaction, ByteArrayBuffer) void
Inherited from PersistentBase
WriteThis(Transaction, ByteArrayBuffer) void