IBlob Interface


the db4o Blob type to store blobs independent of the main database file and allows to perform asynchronous upload and download operations.
Implementing Types
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IDb4oType"] click Interface0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Types/IDb4oType" Type["IBlob"] class Type type-node Implementing0["BlobImpl"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/BlobImpl"


public interface IBlob : IDb4oType


the db4o Blob type to store blobs independent of the main database file and allows to perform asynchronous upload and download operations.

- Define Blob fields on your user classes.
- As soon as an object of your class is stored, db4o automatically takes care that the Blob field is set.
- Call readFrom to read a blob file into the db4o system.
- Call writeTo to write a blob file from within the db4o system.
- getStatus may help you to determine, whether data has been previously stored. It may also help you to track the completion of the current process.

db4o client/server carries out all blob operations in a separate thread on a specially dedicated socket. One socket is used for all blob operations and operations are queued. Your application may continue to access db4o while a blob is transferred in the background.


Name Value Summary
DeleteFile() void
Deletes the current file stored in this BLOB.
GetFileName() string
returns the name of the file the blob was stored to.
GetStatus() double
returns the status after the last read- or write-operation.
ReadFrom(File) void
reads a file into the db4o system and stores it as a blob.
ReadLocal(File) void
reads a file into the db4o system and stores it as a blob.
WriteLocal(File) void
writes stored blob data to a file.
WriteTo(File) void
writes stored blob data to a file.