IObjectSet Interface


An ObjectSet is a representation for a set of objects returned by a query.
  • IList
  • IEnumerable
Implementing Types
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IList"] Type-.->Interface1["IEnumerable"] Type["IObjectSet"] class Type type-node Implementing0["ObjectSetFacade"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal.Query/ObjectSetFacade" Implementing1["IExtObjectSet"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Ext/IExtObjectSet"


public interface IObjectSet : IList, IEnumerable


An ObjectSet is a representation for a set of objects returned by a query.

ObjectSet extends the list interface. It is recommended to never reference ObjectSet directly in code but to use the list interface instead.

Note that the underlying Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectContainer of an ObjectSet needs to remain open as long as an ObjectSet is used. This is necessary for lazy instantiation. The objects in an ObjectSet are only instantiated when they are actually being used by the application. In case you want to use a query result after the object container has been closed, you need to copy the result set.


Name Value Summary
Ext() IExtObjectSet
Returns an ObjectSet with extended functionality.
HasNext() bool
Returns true if the ObjectSet has more elements.
Next() Object
Returns the next object in the ObjectSet.
Reset() void
Resets the ObjectSet cursor before the first element.

See Also

  • Db4objects.Db4o.Ext.IExtObjectSet