IIdSystemConfiguration Interface


Interface to configure the IdSystem.
graph BT Type["IIdSystemConfiguration"] class Type type-node Implementing0["IdSystemConfigurationImpl"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal.Config/IdSystemConfigurationImpl"


public interface IIdSystemConfiguration


Interface to configure the IdSystem.


Name Value Summary
UseCustomSystem(IIdSystemFactory) void
configures db4o to use a custom ID system.
UseInMemorySystem() void
configures db4o to use an in-memory ID system.
UsePointerBasedSystem() void
configures db4o to store IDs as pointers.
UseSingleBTreeSystem() void
configures db4o to use a single BTreeIdSystem on top of an InMemoryIdSystem.
UseStackedBTreeSystem() void
configures db4o to use a stack of two BTreeIdSystems on top of an InMemoryIdSystem.