IObjectClass Interface


configuration interface for classes.
Implementing Types
graph BT Type["IObjectClass"] class Type type-node Implementing0["Config4Class"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/Config4Class"


public interface IObjectClass


configuration interface for classes.

Use the global Db4objects.Db4o.Config.ICommonConfiguration.ObjectClass(System.Object) to configure object class settings.


Name Value Summary
CallConstructor(bool) void
advises db4o to try instantiating objects of this class with/without calling constructors.
CascadeOnActivate(bool) void
sets cascaded activation behaviour.
CascadeOnDelete(bool) void
sets cascaded delete behaviour.
CascadeOnUpdate(bool) void
sets cascaded update behaviour.
Compare(IObjectAttribute) void
registers an attribute provider for special query behavior.
EnableReplication(bool) void
Must be called before databases are created or opened so that db4o will control versions and generate UUIDs for objects of this class, which is required for using replication.
GenerateUUIDs(bool) void
generate UUIDs for stored objects of this class.
GenerateVersionNumbers(bool) void
generate version numbers for stored objects of this class.
Indexed(bool) void
turns the class index on or off.
MaximumActivationDepth(int) void
sets the maximum activation depth to the desired value.
MinimumActivationDepth() int
gets the configured minimum activation depth.
MinimumActivationDepth(int) void
sets the minimum activation depth to the desired value.
ObjectField(string) IObjectField
returns an Db4objects.Db4o.Config.IObjectField object to configure the specified field.

PersistStaticFieldValues() void
turns on storing static field values for this class.
Rename(string) void
renames a stored class.
StoreTransientFields(bool) void
allows to specify if transient fields are to be stored.
Translate(IObjectTranslator) void
registers a translator for this class.
UpdateDepth(int) void
specifies the updateDepth for this class.