Db4objects.Db4o.Diagnostic Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
ClassHasNoFields Diagnostic, if class has no fields.
DefragmentRecommendation Diagnostic to recommend Defragment when needed.
DeletionFailed Diagnostic on failed delete.
DescendIntoTranslator Query tries to descend into a field of a class that is configured to be translated (and thus cannot be descended into).
DiagnosticBase base class for Diagnostic messages
DiagnosticToConsole prints Diagnostic messsages to the Console.
DiagnosticToTrace prints Diagnostic messsages to the Console.
LoadedFromClassIndex Diagnostic, if query was required to load candidate set from class index.
MissingClass Diagnostic if class not found
NativeQueryNotOptimized Diagnostic, if Native Query can not be run optimized.
ObjectFieldDoesNotExist Diagnostic if Db4objects.Db4o.Config.IObjectClass.ObjectField(System.String) was called on a field that does not exist.
UpdateDepthGreaterOne Diagnostic, if update depth greater than 1.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IDiagnostic Marker interface for Diagnostic messages

Diagnostic system can be enabled on a running db4o database to notify a user about possible problems or misconfigurations.
IDiagnosticConfiguration provides methods to configure the behaviour of db4o diagnostics.
IDiagnosticListener listens to Diagnostic messages.