Db4objects.Db4o.Ext Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
BackupInProgressException db4o-specific exception.
DatabaseClosedException db4o-specific exception.
DatabaseFileLockedException db4o-specific exception.

this Exception is thrown during any of the db4o open calls if the database file is locked by another process.
DatabaseMaximumSizeReachedException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when the database file reaches the maximum allowed size.
DatabaseReadOnlyException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when a write operation is attempted on a database in a read-only mode.
Db4oDatabase Class to identify a database by it's signature.
Db4oException db4o exception wrapper: Exceptions occurring during internal processing will be proliferated to the client calling code encapsulated in an exception of this type.
Db4oIllegalStateException The requested operation is not valid in the current state but the database continues to operate.
Db4oIOException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when a system IO exception is encounted by db4o process.
Db4oUnexpectedException Unexpected fatal error is encountered.
Db4oUUID a unique universal identify for an object.
EmergencyShutdownReadOnlyException A previous IO exception has switched the database file to read-only mode for controlled shutdown.
IncompatibleFileFormatException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when the database file format is not compatible with the applied configuration.
InvalidIDException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when the supplied object ID is incorrect (outside the scope of the database IDs).
InvalidPasswordException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when a client tries to connect to a server with a wrong password or null password.
InvalidSlotException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when db4o reads slot information which is not valid (length or address).
ObjectNotStorableException this Exception is thrown, if objects can not be stored and if db4o is configured to throw Exceptions on storage failures.
OldFormatException db4o-specific exception.

This exception is thrown when an old file format was detected and Db4objects.Db4o.Config.IConfiguration.AllowVersionUpdates(System.Boolean) is set to false.
Status Static constants to describe the status of objects.
UnsupportedOldFormatException This exception is thrown while reading old database files for which support has been dropped.
UnsupportedOrderingException Ordering by non primitive fields works only for classes that implement the Db4objects.Db4o.TA.IActivatable interface and Db4objects.Db4o.TA.TransparentActivationSupport is enabled.
VirtualField intended for future virtual fields on classes.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IDb4oCallback generic callback interface.
IExtClient extended client functionality for the Db4objects.Db4o.Ext.IExtObjectContainer interface.

Both com.db4o.Db4oClientServer#openClient methods always return an ExtClient object so a cast is possible.

The ObjectContainer functionality is split into multiple interfaces to allow newcomers to focus on the essential methods.
IExtObjectContainer extended functionality for the Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectContainer interface.

Every db4o Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectContainer always is an ExtObjectContainer so a cast is possible.

Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectContainer.Ext is a convenient method to perform the cast.

The ObjectContainer functionality is split to two interfaces to allow newcomers to focus on the essential methods.
IExtObjectServer extended functionality for the ObjectServer interface.
IExtObjectSet extended functionality for the Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectSet interface.

Every db4o Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectSet always is an ExtObjectSet so a cast is possible.

Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectSet.Ext is a convenient method to perform the cast.

The ObjectSet functionality is split to two interfaces to allow newcomers to focus on the essential methods.
IObjectCallbacks callback methods.
IObjectInfo interface to the internal reference that an ObjectContainer holds for a stored object.
IObjectInfoCollection Interface to an iterable collection Db4objects.Db4o.Ext.IObjectInfo objects.

ObjectInfoCollection is used reference a number of stored objects.
IStoredClass the internal representation of a stored class.
IStoredField the internal representation of a field on a stored class.
ISystemInfo provides information about system state and system settings.