IStoredClass Interface


the internal representation of a stored class.
graph BT Type["IStoredClass"] class Type type-node Implementing0["ObjectTypeMetadata"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/ObjectTypeMetadata" Implementing1["ClassMetadata"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/ClassMetadata" Implementing2["PrimitiveTypeMetadata"]-.->Type click Implementing2 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/PrimitiveTypeMetadata" Implementing3["StoredClassImpl"]-.->Type click Implementing3 "/db4o-gpl-doc/output/api/Db4objects.Db4o.Internal/StoredClassImpl"


public interface IStoredClass


the internal representation of a stored class.


Name Value Summary
GetIDs() long[]
returns an array of IDs of all stored object instances of this stored class.
GetName() string
returns the name of this stored class.
GetParentStoredClass() IStoredClass
returns the StoredClass for the parent of the class, this StoredClass represents.
GetStoredFields() IStoredField[]
returns all stored fields of this stored class.
HasClassIndex() bool
returns true if this StoredClass has a class index.
InstanceCount() int
Returns the number of instances of this class that have been persisted to the database, as seen by the transaction (container) that produces this StoredClass instance.
Rename(string) void
renames this stored class.
StoredField(string, Object) IStoredField
returns an existing stored field of this stored class.