
PeekPersisted(Object, int, bool) Method


returns a transient copy of a persistent object with all members set to the values that are currently stored to the database.


Object PeekPersisted(Object object, int depth, bool committed)


returns a transient copy of a persistent object with all members set to the values that are currently stored to the database.

The returned objects have no connection to the database.

With the committed parameter it is possible to specify, whether the desired object should contain the committed values or the values that were set by the running transaction with Db4objects.Db4o.IObjectContainer.Store(System.Object) .

A possible use case for this feature:
An application might want to check all changes applied to an object by the running transaction.


Name Type Description
object Object the object that is to be cloned
depth int the member depth to which the object is to be instantiated
committed bool whether committed or set values are to be returned

Return Value

Type Description
Object the object